Tomb Guardians Warband Mundo disco contra la infinita estupidez

Unit Name ## M WS BS S T W I A Ld Save Exp Cost
LA MUERTE (Prnce) 1 4" 5 3 5 5/6 3: OOO 3 2/3 9 5+ 43 250
Nehekhara Javelins; Bronze Sword (x2); Bronze Breastplate; Leader: Any model within 6" of the Tomb Lord may use his leadership instead of their own. Undead, Shambling, Flammable.
  Skeletal Horse The Model rides a Skeletal Horse. [40]
    Skeletal Steed 1 8" 2 2 3 3 1 2 1 5 - [0]
  Resilient Anything that hits the warrior in HtH has -1S (shown as +1T on profile). This does not affect save modifiers. [0]
  Eagle Eyes The warrior can fire his missile weapons 6" further. This doesn't include Blunderbusses. [0]
  Lucky Charm The model may ignore the first hit he takes in every battle. [10]
Rincewind (Liche) 1 4" 2 2 3 4 1 3 1 7 - 11 95
Serpent Staff; The Liche Priest is a Wizard and uses Mortuary Cult scrolls. Undead, Shambling.
  6. Djedre's Summonation of the Vengeful Dead One Skeleton Soldier that has gone Out of Action may return within 6" of the Liche Priest. Cannot be placed directly in hand to hand combat.; Difficulty (x5) [0]
  Lucky Charm The model may ignore the first hit he takes in every battle. [10]
Dosflores (Acoly) 1 4" 2 2 4+2f 3 1 3 1 8 6/5(UH)+ 11 65
Flail (x1); Bronze Breastplate; Undead, Shambling; Mercenarios
  Bitter Emnity The warrior has a Bitter Emnity against someone. Record who it is against in the notes at the end of the printout. [0]
  Step Aside Extra 5+unmodified saving throw against HtH attacks. [0]
  Wyrdstone Hunter When the warrior is searching for Wyrdstone, you can re-roll one dice (the second result stands). [0]
  Haggle One item per game costs 2D6 GC less to buy. [0]
  Lucky Charm The model may ignore the first hit he takes in every battle. [10]
Cohen El Barbaro (Acoly) 1 4" 4 2 3 4 1 4 1/2 7 6/5(UH)+ 14 70
Bronze Sword (x2); Bronze Breastplate; Undead, Shambling
  Step Aside Extra 5+unmodified saving throw against HtH attacks. [0]
  Lucky Charm The model may ignore the first hit he takes in every battle. [10]
  Strike to Injure +1 Injury rolls in hand-to-hand combat. [0]
Mort-Hero (Guard) 1 4" 4 2 4+2 3/4 1 3 2 5 6/5(UH)+ 11 75
2-Handed Weapon (x1); Bronze Breastplate; Promotion!; Undead, Shambling, Flammable
  Step Aside Extra 5+unmodified saving throw against HtH attacks. [0]
  Strongman The warrior can use a Double-Handed Weapon without striking last. [0]
  Resilient Anything that hits the warrior in HtH has -1S (shown as +1T on profile). This does not affect save modifiers. [0]
  Lucky Charm The model may ignore the first hit he takes in every battle. [10]
Teppic (Guard) 1 4" 4 2 5 3 1 3 1/2 5 6+ 6 82
Bronze Sword (x2); Bronze Breastplate; Undead, Shambling, Flammable
Guerra (Skltn) 5 4" 2 2 3+2 3 1 2 1 5 - 175
Free Bronze Dagger; +1 armour save, or save of 6+ if the model has none.; 2-Handed Weapon (x1); Undead, Shambling, No Brain: Never gain experience. Do not require water.
Tomb Scorpion 1 5" 2 - 2 2 1 4 1 4 - 15
Animal: Never gain experience. Do not require water. Sting 6's to hit wound automatically.
Peste (Skltn) 3 4" 2 2 3+2 3 1 2 1 5 - 105
Free Bronze Dagger; +1 armour save, or save of 6+ if the model has none.; 2-Handed Weapon (x1); Undead, Shambling, No Brain: Never gain experience. Do not require water.
Equipaje (Baul de peral viejo) (Stash) 1 - - - - - - - - - - 35
Gold (x32); Wyrdstone Shards (x1)
  Armour & Shield 1 - - - - - - - - - - [0]
  Ranged 1 - - - - - - - - - - [0]
  Hand to hand 1 - - - - - - - - - - [3]
Mace (x1)
Option Footnotes:
  Dagger +1 armour save, or save of 6+ if the model has none.
  Double-Handed Weapon +2 Strength. Always strike last in combat. Requires 2 hands to use.
  Flail +2S in first round of combat. Cannot be used with another weapon, buckler or shield. Requires 2 hands to use.
  Flammable Flammable: Any hit from a fire based attack causes double the normal number of wounds.
  Light Armour 6+ Armour Save.
  Mace Concussion: Injury rolls of 2-4 cause the victim to be 'Stunned'.
  Nehekhara Javelins Range 8", +1 to Hit, Strength: As user.
  Serpent Staff Serpent staff can come to life at a word. The staff always attaks first in close combat, making a single WS4 S4 attack. The staff attacks whith these characteristics, not those of the Priest. While the staff is two handed, the liche priest can parry with it.
  Shambling May not Run (but may charge as normal).
  Sword Parry: When your opponent rolls to hit, roll a D6. If you beat his highest 'to hit' score, one attack against you is negated.
  Undead Cause Fear. Immune to psychology (never leave combat). Immune to Poison. No Pain: Treat 'Stunned' injuries as 'Knocked Down'. Do not require water.
Total Warband Cost: 967 GC.
Tomb Guardians always roll one extra die in the exploration phase.
Heroes get new advances at 2, 4, 6, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 41, 46, 51, 57, 63, 69, 76, 83 and 90 experience.
Henchmen and Hired Swords get new advances at 2, 5, 9 and 14 experience.
Heroes make Insanity Rolls at 1, 8, 15, 22, 28, 34, 40, 45, 50, 55, 59, 63, 67, 71, 74, 77, 80, 83, 85, 87, and 89 Insanity Points. Character must retire at 90 Insanity Points. Roll 4D6 and consult the chart in Town Cryer 8. This is done immediately.
Gain as follows: +1 for failing a fear or terror test, casting a Chaos or Necromantic spell, receiving a critical wound, getting poisoned or taking drugs. Cultists, Dregs, Magisters, and Necromancers gain 1/2 IP's.

Warband Rating: 171
Number of models: 16

Validation Results:
Roster satisfies all enforced validation rules
Troop Type Count Unused Gold Crowns Unused Percent
Heroes (>=1model <=6model) 5 1 590 n/a 61%
Henchmen (N/A) 10 n/a 377 n/a 38%
HiredSwd (N/A) 0 n/a 0 n/a 0%
Dramatis (N/A) 0 n/a 0 n/a 0%
Warriors (>=3model <=15model) 15 0 0 n/a 0%
Special Things Summary 18 n/a 90 n/a 9%

Roster created with Army Builder - Copyright (c) 1998-2001 by Lone Wolf Development, Inc.